The bee became our emblem when we took over Fontanille SA in SCOP (cooperative and participative company). From the big sign in front of the factory to the business cards, through our website, the bee appears on all the visuals of the Scop. It is also present in our logo, symbolized by spread wings.
So, what is the link between the bee and the factory that has been making lace and elastic ribbons for over 150 years? Rolland Arnaud, Fontanille Scop’s director, explains this symbolism. "Bees are today in danger just as we were, 8 years ago, before the takeover in Scop. I wanted to inspire myself and my employees through the organization of bees within the hive. It is an example to follow: bees represent versatility, collective intelligence, global performance, as well as creativity from natural materials. Honey embodies softness and warmth, which is what we try to convey through our creations by bringing femininity, sensuality and emotion.
Finally, bees are workers which work together towards the same goal, just like all employees, who have become investors themselves. On the Séjalat site, bees are at work, literally and figuratively. Indeed, the bee is much more than a symbol for Fontanille Scop, it is anchored in the history of the Scop. For 8 years now, every spring, we welcome 4 beehives which allowed us this year to collect more than 25 kg of honey that we can then offer to our partners.